Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon said her broken engagement with fellow celebrity Akshay Kumar is “still stuck in her hand”.
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Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar got engaged around 1995 but called it off their engagement later due to differences. She opened up about the personal matter in a tell-all interview.
The ‘Mohra’ star said she does not feel jealous of Akshay Kumar’s girlfriends. She added they both got into a relationship after ending things between them.
“It comes up, and it comes up like there’s a war between everyone whom he’s involved with,” she said. “Hello, once I had moved out of his life, I was already dating someone else, and he was already dating someone else, so kahan se jealousy ayegi (where will jealousy come from)?”
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Raveena Tandon added they have a cordial relationship and interact with each other at events and get-togethers.
Related – Raveena Tandon quit acting for engagement with Akshay Kumar
The actor said everyone moves on and girls change their boyfriends every week in colleges, but one engagement which broke is still stuck in my head. She admitted she does not know why.
“Everyone moves on, people have divorced, they move on, what’s the big deal,” she said.
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