The Pakistani Rupee on Wednesday gained by Rs1.95 against the US Dollar and is currently trading at Rs231.96 in the interbank market, while the KSE-100 index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) has risen by 207 points, ARY News reported.
In the open market, the PKR is trading at Rs230-232 against the greenback
The PKR has started the trading day at a high by gaining Rs1.95 in the interbank market. The PKR is trading against the USD at Rs232.51. The local currency has gained by over Rs10 since Monday.
The KSE-100 Index of the PSX also witnessed a bullish trend since the start of trading on the third business day of the week. After gaining 207 points, the KSE-100 index is currently at 41,725 points.
On Tuesday, according to the forex dealers, the local currency gained Rs3.11 against the US dollar in the interbank market and settled at Rs233.91, while the same is being sold at Rs234 to 236 in the open market.
Interbank closing #ExchangeRate for today
— SBP (@StateBank_Pak) September 27, 2022
Also Read: Rupee continues sharp recovery against US dollar
On September 26, the Pakistani rupee ended its losing streak against the US Dollar, as the greenback depreciated by Rs4.15 in the interbank.
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